The team at Equal Adventure understand that all people are individuals, and so their range of waterproofs aim to support inclusive activity in outdoor spaces. Waterproof equipment is a necessity for many outdoor activities, and Equal Adventure works hard to ensure their range of waterproofs are as inclusive as possible, so that everyone can feel safe and comfortable in the outdoors. Every stitch, every zip, and every seam, is thoughtfully designed with the comfort and safety of the wearer in mind, whoever they may be.
Recently, there has been a push for more inclusivity in waterproofs and outdoor gear for the plus-sized community. Organisations like ‘Every Body Outdoors’ has been pushing for size inclusivity and for an increase of equipment that will allow them to stay comfortable and safe in wild spaces. Our team of dedicated designers, as well as making waterproofs in a wide range of sizes, can tailor or create waterproofs that suit your needs, or the needs of your community. To ensure everyone has waterproofs that fit them comfortably, the Equal Adventure Robust Waterproof Trousers and Red Centre Waterproofs range across eight sizes, from XS to XXXXL. The trousers have an elasticated waist which can be altered to be the perfect fit for an individual, reducing any uncomfortable gapping or digging-in.
The Equal Adventure team works hard to ensure that everyone, regardless of their body shape and size, feels comfortable and safe participating in the outdoors.